
In the Stillness, There’s A knowing

Have you ever faced a storm and wondered if God has forgotten you? Would I ever get out of this storm?

During this trial (test), I learned to see and trust Jesus even though I couldn’t see or understand what He was doing.

But God had other plans. I needed to learn that even in the darkest hour in my life, God never forgets me; He still has a purpose for me.

I learned that God was fully engaged in my life. He sees our needs of tomorrow and, accordingly, uses our circumstances to create the ‘test” (to take a keen look at, to look, to choose. The Hebrew-Greek Word Study Bible Edit by Spiros Zodhiates.)

God can cause all things to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28)

Can He turn something good out of my mess? Yes, He can! God is the potter; we are the clay. He is the Gardener; we are the branches. He is the Shepherd; we are the sheep. He is the teacher; we are the students.

I needed to trust His training and believe He would make something good out of my mess. And He did. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen. 

During this trial, God reminded me of Joseph. Joseph succeeded in the kitchen and dungeon before prevailing in the Egyptian court. He cared for the butler and baker before he cared for the nations. He excelled in the small things and was rewarded immensely.

And that’s precisely what the Lord did for me. He turned a harrowing situation in my life into a victory. He cleared my name, restored me, and turned my “mess” into His message. 

Friends, how can we be like Joseph and Job and rely on God in the small things while waiting for Him to promote us to create more extraordinary things? 

During the test, let us focus on maintaining a great attitude, serving others, and not complaining. Remember, no testing or trial lasts forever, and God will always fulfill His promise. He will always make something good out of our mess. God will turn it around. Jesus is the same yesterday and today!

Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for turning my mess into Your message. Thank you for reminding me that You are an incredible Father who loves me and will never let me go.


I have often asked the Lord if writing is His calling in my life; after all, I'm a teacher, not a writer. Through the Book of Luke, in the New Testament, the Lord taught me that Luke had no idea that his study would ever impact our life. He wrote for the One, his friend, Theophilus. Yet, God used Luke, a doctor, to share the truth about Who Jesus was and why He came. So, why do I write? I write to share the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done in my life.

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